Hi, I'm Ale


I'm a Software Engineer

This is my resume:

These are some projects I've worked on:



Hackr is a simple iOS client for Y Combinator's Hacker News.

Dear Tech People Visualization

With this visualization you can explore data gathered by Dear Tech People, an organization that ranks 100 companies based on their degeree of diversity and inclusion.

Left - Recipes by Ingredients

Left is an iOS app that allows you to easily search from over 200,000 recipes based on the ingredients you provide.


Rain allows you to see current, hourly, and daily weather forecasts.

Code Hunt

Code Hunt is an iOS app that takes advantage of Code.org's local school database to let anyone in the world search for schools offering programming classes.

Sweet Data

Sweet Data is an information visualization which allows users to explore people's preference of Halloween candies, observe which candies cause most joy or despair, and learn which candies are most or least popular in each state in the US.

Sweet Data Visualization

World Happiness Visualization

The UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) develops a yearly World Happiness Report, which is a survey of the state of global happiness, and ranks the world's countries by their happiness levels. My visualization allows you to explore these data and learn about the happiest countries.

World Happiness Visualization